Horse Racing in Ireland

Keeping you informed so that your betting on horse racing is more pleasurable.

Horse racing is an extremely popular sport in Ireland, with viewership regularly exceeding 1.3 million. But for the uninitiated, horse racing can be a somewhat daunting sport to get into. Today, we’re going to look at some of our best tips for getting started in horse racing in Ireland, from the basics of how to follow it to even making it a bit more interesting with a bet here and there.

Let’s find out more.

  1. Study the game

It may seem obvious, but start with the basics. There are around 26 major horse racing courses in Ireland, making Ireland per capita the country densest in horse racing courses. There are around 350 annual race meetings, and around 2,000 annual races.

In other words, you’ve no shortage of events to study. The more you watch, the better you will understand the sport and how it works. You’ll get to know jockeys and horses, their talents and weaknesses.

All of this will hugely inform your ability to enjoy the sport.

  • Betting

Of course, one of the favourite pastimes of horse racing fans is placing bets on the races. This is a great way to make the races a bit more exciting for you. There are both off-track and online bookies, and the amount of competition means you are guaranteed good odds.

Whether you just want a casual bet or you’re looking to turn it into a steady income stream, just always remember to be cautious about it. When you bet, you undoubtedly become more invested in the sport, and this in turn makes it far more emotional and exciting. The great thing about online betting is that you don’t necessarily have to be there for the race, either.

Many online betting sites offer mobile apps and mobile optimized websites, offering bonuses for downloading their apps and even improved odds when you bet online.

  • Attending races

That said, attending races is still the best way to experience the sport. As I said, you have your choice of around 2,000 races annually, so there is bound to be one you can make. Attending the races is, first and foremost, the way to get the most authentic horse racing experience. Watching it is no substitute for really being there.

But the other great thing is that you will be able to talk to other fans of the sport, to get tips and insight and help you to understand the sport even better. Even if it’s just one a year, be sure to see one in person.

There are plenty of things you can do to make horse racing more accessible to yourself, then. From simply studying the game and slowly learning the ins and outs of it over time, to actively seeking out support from other fans of the sport—there are countless ways of doing it. Don’t let the barrier to entry stop you!

Happy Betting!